yet undescribed species
Vernacular names:

Generic name originates from the Greek ‘kobitis, idos’ and means ‘a kind of sardine, a small fish’.
Size / Weight:
max SL known to date: 74.4 mm (KIZ 2012000175)
Sex differentiation:
Streams associated to the Nui Coc reservoir, Cau River subbasin, Red River basin, eastface of Tao Dao NP, Quân Chu, Đại Từ District, Thái Nguyên Province, Vietnam.

Δ: reported occurence; one symbol may represent several collecting sites
Species has been observed in EW-VN 05-12 (pers. obs. 2012-04-08, ME): Stream over boulders, with low gradient, household trash, creek 5 wide, 0.3 m deep, large pool associated 20 m x 50 m. depth 1 m in sluggish water. Cobitis preferred sluggish areas with sandy bottom over fast flowing waters with rocky substratum; clear – slightly turbid water; sand, pebbles, rocks, boulders; submerse Hygrophyla corymbosa in sluggish areas. Syntopic species included Mastacembelus undulatus (McClelland, 1844), Micronemacheilus pulcher (Nichols & Pope, 1927), Macropodus opercularis (Linnaeus, 1758), Gobiidae sp. G30, Odontobutis sp. OB1, Schistura sp. N58, and the frog Fejervarya limnocharis (Gravenhorst, 1829).
Conservation status:
IUCN Red List not evaluated.